Dyslexia Consultation Services
Dyslexia is neurobiological in origin and often runs in families. The Jamaica Dyslexia Association (JDA) is the only organization in Jamaica that offers free consulting services to children and adults who are Dyslexia, their parents/families, educational facilities, employers, and government agencies. For a free ½ hour phone consultation asking and discussing specific questions regarding Dyslexia. You can call our intake coordinator, who is an expert on Dyslexia. In addition to our free ½ hour services, we offer affordable flat-fees consultation that includes:
Formal Dyslexia Assessment
Tutoring Services to Children, Teenagers, and Adults who are Dyslexia
Dyslexia Training and Professional Development for Educators
Dyslexia Resources for Parents who are Home-schooling
Guide Government Agencies on Policies and Procedures to Bring About Positive Culture Change Regarding Dyslexia
Guide Employers on Staffing and Policies to Prevent Discrimination and Make Suitable Workplace Adjustments for Dyslexia Employees.
If you believe that a consultation may be beneficial, click on the consultation request form button, fill it out, and submit.